CTL Teaching and Learning Forum
Wednesday, 28 April, 2010 (Study Day)
LIB 041 and 043
Plenary and concurrent sessions from 9 AM to 12:30 PM
Coffee & bagels at 8:30 AM; lunch at 12:30 PM
With a special keynote talk by Gil Einstein:
"Using Cognitive Principles to Enhance Teaching and Learning"
We're pleased and honored this year to host Gil in a plenary session from 11:30 AM to12:30 PM, right before lunch, capping off a packed schedule of presentations:
From 9 to 9:30 AM—Opening plenary panel:
"Lessons Learned from the Lilly South Teaching Conference," with Jessica Hennessy, Stephanie Knouse, Ken Kolb, and Jeanine Stratton
From 9:30 to 10 AM—Concurrent sessions:
Omar Carmenates, "Using Audio Technology to Promote Reflective Learning"
Sandy Roberson, "Supplementing Individual Exams With Group Exams to Improve Student Communication Skills and Enhance Students’ Understanding of Group Dynamics"
From 10 to 10:30 AM—Concurrent sessions:
Paul Thomas, "Adventures in Genre: Considering Comics and Graphic Novels"
Ken Kolb, "Google Docs for Daily Reading Assignments"
From 10:30 to 11 AM—Concurrent sessions:
Lorraine Dejong, "Using Photo Story within Portfolio Assessment to Foster Analytical Thinking and Document Student Understanding"
Wes Dripps, "The Campus as a Pedagogical Opportunity"
From 11 AM to 11:30 PM—Concurrent sessions:
Jeanine Stratton, “Managing and Assessing Student Video Projects”
Lynne Shackelford and Mary Fairbairn, "Opportunities for Enhancing Information Fluency in Upper Level Humanities Courses"
From 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM—Plenary keynote:
Gil Einstein, "Using Cognitive Principles to Enhance Teaching and Learning"