Monday, September 30, 2013

Friday October 4

You will have class Friday October 4 without me present.

Form 4 groups of 3 classmates, and do the following:
  1. Discuss Style, Lesson 6, and your chosen Zinsser essay
  2. Discuss Nick Mamatas's "The Inevitability of Formulaic Writing in Literary Fiction: A Case Study." What is the tone and point of this essay?
  3. Discuss Kurt Vonnegut's "Science Fiction" (handout). Why is Vonnegut concerned about being labeled a science fiction writer?
Choose one person in your group to EMAIL me a report of your group activities/responses by 5 pm Friday afternoon.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Odd Habits and Curious Customs of Famous Writers | Brain Pickings

The Odd Habits and Curious Customs of Famous Writers | Brain Pickings

The American Scholar: Examined Lives - Phyllis Rose

The American Scholar: Examined Lives - Phyllis Rose



[ ] MIDTERM: Choose either a published writer or a scholar (for example, a Furman professor) to research and/or interview about her/his life as a writer/scholar. Prepare a 10-minute video (edited interview) or PowerPoint (multimedia) presentation to submit to the professor (due on midterm) and contribute to a class analysis and synthesis of projects in class on midterm.



Writer/Scholar Project (in-class share; video/PP submission DUE)


Email and confirm for me who you will focus on (professor/department or professional writer/genre) to be approved

Monday, September 9, 2013

First Year College Readers Draw The Glass Castle | The Illustrated Professor

First Year College Readers Draw The Glass Castle | The Illustrated Professor

Writing as a Young Scholar/Academic

Writing as a Young Scholar/Academic

Writing in an academic and/or scholarly setting, such as writing as a student, has some expectations that strongly impact how the young scholar is evaluated. Here are some key issues to consider when writing as a young scholar in a variety of academic settings:

• Submit work that has been carefully copyedited. A sloppy document is often viewed harshly. You should run the “Spelling and Grammar” tool in Word; you should have a peer proofread. But do not submit sloppy documents in any academic or scholarly setting—even if the work is a draft yet to be finalized.

• Some surface features of writing are judged strictly in academia—sentence formation, verb tense/form, paragraphing, and overall document and citation formatting. Be careful with the following:

(1) Sentences must be formed purposefully. Great care should be taken to punctuate and form complete sentences—with fragments and run-on sentence formations being rare and purposeful. Often, students are not allowed any deviation from complete sentence formation.

(2) Maintain control of your verb tense and forms. Verbs should be in present tense when discussing the action of a text (books, films), but in past tense when dealing with historical or contemporary real events. Again, students are expected to show control of verb tense and forms—using and shifting these tenses and forms with purpose.

(3) Conform to the citation requirements of the field—APA, MLA, or whatever citation style sheet the field requires. Documentation form, document margins, page breaks, headers/footers, headings/subheads, spacing—all of these surface details matter, and students should be diligent with them.

• Choose your words (diction) and tone carefully—making sure that the diction and tone match the level of your content. Students are often careless with diction/tone resulting in undermining their claims. “Get,” “fix,” “it,” “thing,” “there [to be],” “good,” “bad,” and similar common words are lifeless and beneath the emphasis you want to place on serious topics. Above all else, your diction and tone must match your purpose and topics.

• Academic writing must have a clear focus; often, the primary purpose of academic writing is to argue or promote a perspective. Students tend to write better when they see their essay as an argument of some kind. Can you answer this, “What is the central point you want your reader to understand or embrace after reading your essay?” Every word in an essay must in some way contribute to the central focus/purpose.

• All claims must be supported by evidence and elaboration. In fact, providing evidence and elaboration is the primary bulk of any essay. Claims are brief and have little weight; the evidence and elaborations/explanations are what convince a reader. When discussing a text directly, such as a novel, students must make direct textual references (quotes with citations). When quotes are included in a scholarly work, the writer must integrate those quotes grammatically with her/his original sentences. Here are some examples using APA citation (note the placement of punctuation, verb tense, title formatting, spacing, quote marks):

[First reference in a paragraph]

The Lacuna opens with a sentence that suggests foreboding for the story to come: “In the beginning were the howlers” (Kingsolver, 2009, p. 3).

[A second or subsequent reference in a paragraph]

Kingsolver pulls the reader further into the mysterious tone of the novel’s opening with “[a]s it was in the beginning, so it is every morning of the world” (p. 3).

[A quote of a quote (dialogue), second reference or after]

When the boy’s mother mentions his having a girl friend, the boy responds abruptly, “'I won’t have a girlfriend'” (Kingsolver, p. 9).

• Never simply use cut-and-paste quoting in an essay.

[Cut-and-paste quoting]

Kingsolver’s novel opens with a mother and son adjusting to life in Mexico. “It should have been like a storybook here” (p. 3). But they appear to be trapped in a life they don’t expect.

• Sophisticated writing doesn’t announce the claims and arguments to be made; simply make the claims or arguments.


Atwood’s novel is a perfect example of a novel taking a position on a topic.

[Claim made]

Atwood’s novel forces the reader to look beyond the stereotype of a feminist by portraying June’s mother as a feminist participating in a book and video burning.

• Citation formatting must be followed fully and consistently. With some style sheets, the requirements are unusual and confusing (especially with the format of the bibliographies), but students and scholars must follow these guidelines. Note spacing, line spacing, and indentation requirements; capitalization guidelines; title formats; placement of punctuation; listing for page numbers; and proper citing in the flow of your essay. SEE SAMPLE ESSAYS AND LOOK CAREFULLY AT APA EXPECTATIONS FOR IN-TEXT CITATIONS AND THE REFERENCES LIST.

Zadie Smith's 10 Rules of Writing | Brain Pickings

Zadie Smith's 10 Rules of Writing | Brain Pickings 2008.pdf 2008.pdf

Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work by Jean Anyon

Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work by Jean Anyon

Property and Theft | Jacobin

Property and Theft | Jacobin

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Essay 1?

Since we just looked at some Kurt Vonnegut, and you SHOULD be thinking about essay 1….

Just what kinds of essays do writers write?

Look at this one about Vonnegut and labor:

The working class needs its next Kurt Vonnegut 
The "Slaughterhouse Five" author was a tireless champion of union workers -- and believed capitalism was inhuman 
by Matthew Gannon AND Wilson Taylor

See how this mixed several different approaches to writing (history, argument, literature), and consider how you want to approach essay 1:

• Topic?

• Audience?

• Perspectives?

• Tone?

The working class needs its next Kurt Vonnegut -

The working class needs its next Kurt Vonnegut -

DC forbids to let Batwoman gay marry, creative team leaves [Updated!]

DC forbids to let Batwoman gay marry, creative team leaves [Updated!]

The new variables in the college drinking culture

The new variables in the college drinking culture

From Kafka to Computers, a Graphic History of Automation in Education - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education

From Kafka to Computers, a Graphic History of Automation in Education - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education